Welcome to Kiyomizu

Welcome to my personal server!!! where we will take a look at old-school web, game, cute stuff, reminiscing happier days for me when I was starting to mess around in the web more than 20 years ago already...

The name of this website is called Kiyomizu but it's more really related to the old japanese saying 清水の舞台から飛び降りる which roughly means "To take a plungle from the Kiyomizudera temple" it would translate more to what we usually call "To take a leap of faith" because the Kiyomizu-dera temple located in Kyoto is in a very very foresty and montain heavy area allows you to view Kyoto from the summit. So yeah, this website just like anything I attempt to do in my life is always taking a leap of faith and see where it goes, it's always scary but can't be helped due to difficult personal situations I had to face constantly since my early teens....


Active Services

Ever wanted to play PSO BB in a proper vanilla server without modded shit? me too!
Suggestions, Greetings, Rants, Random talk, feel free to share your thoughts in the Guestbook area.
【この道を歩く】〜WALK THIS WAY〜
It is my personal blog area and also a place to write stuff where I can actually speak my mind these days.




God Bless the United States of America