Lobby tour

What planets are these two that we see through the lobby? And does the planetarium in lobby 8 represent anything from the game?

user.png CROMAS   time.png 2024/09/14(Sat) 00:16   page_del.png

I finally completed Episode 1 Normal.

user.png CROMAS   time.png 2024/09/13(Fri) 20:53   page_del.png
Eu falo demais...

Não foram drops raros. Adquiri essas armas completando as missões. Ainda sou nível baixo para encontrar drop de itens raros. Mas não sei. Seria possível achar itens raros na dificuldade Normal no PSOBB?
Meu verão? Bem. Aqui é inverno. Mas está sendo um bom inverno. Com tempo seco, frio ameno, ensolarado e, embora seja inverno, tem alguns dias de calor.
Verão eu tive em Ragol. XD
Participei da missão de verão. Mas não descobri muitos comandos de eventos. Vi o "fire", "monster", "star", "comet", "hercules" e "ragol". E não entendi o que acontecia com o comando "ragol". Eu pretendia ir novamente à praia, no último dia, mas já não estava mais disponível. Proveitar melhor na próxima oportunidade. ^_^

user.png CROMAS   time.png 2024/09/01(Sun) 04:48   page_del.png
Oh Dear...

When was the last time I had a proper rare drop? No idea, btw how was your summer???

user.png RINALE   time.png 2024/08/31(Sat) 20:45   page_del.png
Progresso Ep1 Normal

Soul Eater e Akikos Frying Pan adquiridas. Agora sou mais feliz. XD

user.png CROMAS   time.png 2024/08/29(Thu) 16:10   page_del.png

Well wanted to quick update here, been a little bit out of the loop with everything as i'm dealing with a bunch of random personal stuff, however the server is still working without any issues.

user.png RINALE   time.png 2024/07/17(Wed) 22:25   page_del.png
Vamos Jogar!

Thanks for the tip, Rinale. I'll keep it in mind when I make a new character. Right now I want to play slowly and calmly, doing each mission in order, and watching the story unfold. Anyone who wants to join me is welcome, but I want to say in advance that I don't speak English, so if you're going to play with me, I'll probably be a silent and somewhat dumb companion. XD I'm usually playing between @20~145, 23:30~02:30 UTC.

user.png ESPRE   time.png 2024/07/12(Fri) 16:32   page_del.png

That was me! but I was in a rush at that moment.

Since PSOBB also has EP4 you can take advantage of it on Normal difficulty to get a lot of EXP by doing the one-person mode quests Warriors Pride and Pioneer Spirits with NPC's joining you as meatshields

They help you kill the monsters and also heal you when you are in troubles

This is my usual route when I level up new characters, I do EP4 until i'm almost Lv20 and then switch around to play EP1 or EP2 or whatever

user.png RINALE   time.png 2024/07/07(Sun) 13:26   page_del.png

And my English is bad. XD
But its alright. We can use translator.
I played little PSOBB in my life. So I'm taking it slow, doing the missions in order.
I was joined by another player. He gave me instructions on how to level up faster, but I don't remember how.

user.png ESPRE   time.png 2024/07/07(Sun) 02:27   page_del.png

My portuguese sucks a lot but muito obrigada! im glad you are liking the server so far I guess it will become some sort of a little hideout for relaxed gameplay

user.png RINALE   time.png 2024/07/06(Sat) 19:56   page_del.png

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