Welcome the Kiyomizu Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst server, as a love letter for all those purist hunters seeking to relive their memories in a proper vanilla environment, the real deal.
Welcome to Kiyomizu PSO BB!, this server was set up as a place where all the former original Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst fans (myself included) can actually enjoy the game in a total untouched state closely replicating the server ran by SEGA themselves, in a controlled environment which will only offer the original game and quests alongside it's original features, no more, nor less. You could consider this the true vanilla experience which to the date no other private server have been able to offer.
The server is compromised of many pieces but overall the whole system is working thanks to the coordination between various projects such as:
The newserv PSO emulator, created by Martin Michelsen better known as "fuzziqersoftware" whom pretty much single handenly embarked into this titanic task in bringing back our beloved game server logic to life as a proper Open Source project, thus ensuring online support for all PSO versions including support for rare beta builds as well as the possibility to extend the game original functions with various kinds of tools and middleware.
The AzureFlare client launch system created by Repflez and deviltti, thanks to their research of the PSO BB game client allowing us to use the latest official client (found here and here) from SEGA to play over here at Kiyomizu or in any newserv instance as it features easy to setup controls to control hidden parameters like the Game Language, Keyboard Setups and IP/Host addresses, in a very friendly and customizable config file, removing the need of the final user of having to deal with patched executables, false virus warnings and outdated game files prone to crashing.
And yours truly Nol Rinale leveraging my knowledge of the game gathered from all my years as a former overseas player in the Japanese PSO BB server from the SEGA days helping with debugging, translations, enemy/drop data setup, quest data setup, client localization systems research, and overall, offering the guys valuable insights on how game the systems worked on the official servers for their correct implementation in both projects.
Lastly, all I have left to say is to thank you for taking your time visiting this site and discovering PSO BB, feel free to stop by the Guestbook and tell me your thoughts about PSO BB, the server, or whatever you want, always happy to connect with fellow hunters!, likewise, if you are a fellow developer/code-tinkerer please visit and Star the projects made by all these talented people.
Released back in July 8th 2004 Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst (PSO BB) was the PC port of Phantasy Star Online Episodes I&II previously released on Gamecube and Xbox, which also included many new features such as:
The port was a derivative of the Xbox version as it shared architecture similarities with Windows XP at the time allowing the game to be easily ported to PC, but with all the extra additions added in this release you could consider PSO BB the GOTY edition of PSO as stated by it's producer Takao Miyoshi in recent interviews.
In addition to it's original Japanese release, the game was also released in the Chinese and American markets with limited success, as there wasn't much interest in yet another PSO version overseas with all the hype focusing towards the upcoming Phantasy Star Universe.
The game ultimately closed back in December 27th 2010 after 6 succesful years running, however I must admit, the last 2 years saw very limited content releases focusing mostly in Item or Exp boost events without any new major Quests or Items added to the game.
This server will be perpetually running the latest official PSO BB version before the servers shutdown back in 2010, up to Version 1.25.13, that means, we are running here the original game as-is without any kind of custom content, quests, items, drops, etc. So if you are looking to play the original game as close as possible to the SEGA servers this is the most accurate recreation of it, as this server is being used for the debugging and development of newserv, it is a requirement to have just the base game without any extra parameters applied to it.
I am also a legacy player myself from back in the day, so I want to have the server running just as it never ended back then, stuck in time, forever... always ready to welcome new players from a new generation without any kind of weird bells and whistles found in other more public servers so you get to enjoy the game in the same way and quality as I did when I was younger.
The server is hosted on Vultr (affiliate link) with daily backups being made and is online 24/7, the VPS costs me around 5 USD/month which these days is about much you spend for a coffee in Starbucks. It doesn't sounds like much, even for a cash strained cat like me but I will do my best despite life situations to keep the server alive as much as I can as it also hosts my personal blog among other random things I like to do, it's my little personal corner on the Internet after all as I don't use social networks too much.
Also known as RADIX or マリナ・ベルモンテ or ルミナ or more recently as Nol Rinale in the Hunters Guild Discord. I was one of the very few players from overseas who stayed playing at the official JP BB servers from the very beginning back in 2004's Open Beta until the very last day on December 27th 2010, thanks to this game I was able to meet many wonderful friends from Japan many of which I still talk to almost 20 years later and that I had the blessing to meet personally both in Japan and inviting them to visit my country as well, this game is very important for me so this place is also like a personal museum of sorts. I usually write random stuff on my Twitter/X feel free to stop by anytime.