The Storm is Coming??...
Other than fooling around in FF14 and doing the silly missions in Granblue lately I haven't been doing much but feeling to say.... detached from everything???

During the nights I'm having very vivid dreams lately and during the day I've been feeling since many weeks ago already like in a moment of Stasis....

I'm still keeping a routine tho, but I just feel very disconnected of everything for the first time I guess I needed to disconnect from so much insanity going on lately

But is not really being disconnected rather than feeling like subcounciously I'm getting ready for something really really hard and difficult approaching my life very soon, I'm not sure when or at which level is gonna happen or how is gonna happen but its gonna be a huge blow for sure.....

Thats why I think my mind and body are kinda deciding on their own to take it easy...more than usual, like when you are very drunk or something like that????

only time will tell on this one I guess?

The 2nd half of the year has just started and after the very intense 1st half I'm hoping that most of these feelings are wrong and it all becomes a nothing burger from this stupid menhera writing this blog

2024.09.03 07:19 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk

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