Some recommendations
I wanted to recommend 2 little treasures here the first one is the one I'm currently watching which is Vatican Miracle Examiner follows the story of 2 young priests from the Vatican experts in uncovering fake miracles across the globe It's a fairly old anime from 2017 but so far I'm liking it a lot plus the music is great and honeslty its a topic that is very very rare to see touched in an anime!

Then we also have Witch and the Beast which follows the story of two friends which are actually enemies one of them carrying his friend monster corpse while his friend soul resides in the body of a girl due to a curse bestowed by a witch in the past as they begin to look for witches in some sort of imaginary Europe to undo this curse but begin to just find extremelly crazy foes.

The two series are very relaxed and can totally recommend if you are up for suspense with action with a little bit of crazyness in between and fan service of cute guys and girls of course.

See you later cat
2024.08.24 00:18 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Anime
Enjoying the Summer!?!
I was supposed to write a few days ago not almost a month later....

But well HOW DO YOU DO CAt!!! We've cleared Dangaronpa!! I had a LOT of fun going FULL MENHERA WITH THAT BEAR!! it was a cathartic experience!!! and to commemorate the whole ordeal the BLog has a new Despair Theme!! since this place is a constant judgment of stuff I deal with I guess its fitting for the blog oops....

It was many fun months seeing insanity across all games playing from the very first one, watched all the anime series and then ended with V3 and the Spinoffs

I think its the best graphic novel I played so far I was so sad when I saw him say goodbye in the last case....

Well In other news.. not so good ones...

Everything went to shit!, so life won't really change as I was expecting.... The miserable days will continue so as usual I continue with my military tactics to overcome the daily despairs I have to deal with.

I would've loved to have a glimpse of a better life after so so many years struggling and this time I believe it was SO close, but I guess is not my turn at least not in the path I was aiming for so back to the drawing board to come up with a new plan for a better life....

Other than that, I restarted to play Final Fantasy XIV and OH BOY what a disaster that turned to be too! I will write about it in another post to also open the FF14 category to replace the PSO one.

On the topic of PSO everything kinda everyone dissipated too so no much else to mention in that aspect just doing the usual routine of keeping the server alive.

Then as for Granblue I have to admit it was indeed the little surprise of this summer alongside with Dangaronpa this game also turned out to be a small beacon of joy and having fun with silly stories.

I have to organize my brain for the next posts...
for the time being see you cat~
2024.08.23 23:48 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Whatever
Need to write a lot of stuff but let's wait a few days more okay???
2024.08.09 12:56 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
Playing diferently??
Jumped a bit to play some games yesterday to disconnect a little from all the latest insane news I've been following the last couple days.

On Granblue VS Rising lately people have been telling me that I've been playing differently and able to score more times wins against previously unwinable sets.

I guess my brain had finally started to grasp the concept of fighting games, and at the end it turns out the fights are becoming more entertaining and less stressful regardless of outcome.

Either way I continue to go full Menhera with Vira-chan and hopefully the slow but steady progress continues

A big update for the game is coming in August 20th which will change many things for all the characters, game modes and lobbies so I guess i will have to adapt to even more changes coming down the line.
2024.08.02 16:47 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Granblue Fantasy
He's gonna kill her....
In the latest fiasco with the trannies now we have the disgrace the IOC accepted in the match during the olympics, Where the trannie Khelif which is clearly a guy destroyed the nose of his opponent Carini a real woman for free and her spirit shattered for fighting against this monster in the most prestigious (on paper (because is a fucking satanic circus now too)) sport event in the world

The same shot in slow motion

No wonder she decided to quit almost instantly a 2nd blow and he probably would've killed her on the spot via a head concussion or who knows a tragedy for sure

This is a fucking disgrace, these fucking troonards are destroying everything that goes against their delusional narrative of trying to be a woman.. a woman of in what imbecile?? monster, monster, monster is what you are.

You will be forever a monster
2024.08.01 13:04 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk

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