Hello! How do you do?...
Oh My God! KEN-san! this blog system is so simple that is so amazing!! 

I really really wanted to have my own blog and I had to scour the latest bits of the Internet trying to find a suitable system, and I guess this one works!

Well Nice to meet you!! name is Maria and I'm the owner of the Kiyomizu.moe server! currently many of you might know me by my another name Nol in the PSO circles, as I've been stealthti... steah...... stealthlly?... stealth running the private PSO BB server that many of you probably had already checked by now.

But today over here I want to focus on the things I'm gonna write about, you see, I like to talk a lot, maybe I like to talk too much so sometimes I just want a place where I can actually RANT and SCREAM or just talk about random shit whatever I feel like it.

So there you have it!! I will be messing around this place and probably need a better design too.... but maybe later for nw I continue playing Gran Blue Fantasy and Versus and Relink...
2024.02.20 18:42 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png 未分類

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