Madrid Valley Memories
During this month we had the visit of some relatives we haven't seem since almost 20ish years ago (at least in my case) and it was their very first time in spain, we've decided to take them to the Madrid Valley which is a valley outside of Madrid with a huge cross that is also the place known as "Valle de los Caidos" a place of worship where many people died during the dictatorship years building this incredible monument, while the thing was impressive I was surprised on the trail leading there.


Here we were going upwards little by little and I was just so happy to see wilderness!!! specially forest!!!


Then we arrived at the hidden monastery behind which also happens to be a Hotel nowadays for an awesome private area to hold parties and dinners in a extremelly quiet environment surrounded by the valley forest during the nights.

It was all very quiet but i loved it all!!


And of course the main attraction which is the giant Cross and the main temple area very incredible buildings and monuments everywhere could tell was a real historical place here and that sadly the current commie government is desperate to delete and sabotage (OH WHAT A SURPRISE COMMIES GETTING RID OF NICE STUFF!!!)

Then we ended up heading back the forest back to the valley...


I have to say it was a very pleasant day, far away from everything and just enjoy the forest, lately I'm just too tired of having to deal with people everywhere. 
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April ended too..
The slowest months of the year have ended and now we are kinda approaching into very interesting months ahead I will be writing about it in due course when I get more information.

But in the meantime HOW HAVE YOU BEEN!?! on top of the weird shenanigans plaguing the PSO circles as usual nothing new under the sun tbh, I've been also playing a lot of GBVSR trying to improve in the game and enjoy the lobby life with some randoms that are regulars in the game too.

It's been quite a hectic month with many weird things happening but from now on lets see what happens on may and beyond...
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