Communities = Mediocrity
I'm writting this one as I'm still hearing the podcast shown here

What Lunduke says is what deep within we all know, communities have ruined everything we love, why? because by using the word "Community" bad actors such as the leftards and troons hide behind this shield and put everyone else under this same umbrella, then from the shadows, they begin to force the admins and software maintainers of the most popular softwares out there.

In a world where more than ever we require free and open source software to run away from the propietary insanity that guess what.... the same "actors" of that community destroyed already, are not jumping into Discord and Forums of those projects and begin to threaten all the key players and guilt trip them in an attempt to cancel them entirely.

And the worst thing is that most of those maintainers since they are most of the time soyboys that are very weak willed and not used to conflict of any kind will cave instantly to their demands.

I've seem this happen countless of times in so many projects, SPECIALLY projects that offer an escape of the current insanity we live, for example EMulators

THe amount of shaming I'm noticing in these last 4 years in the Emulation circles about people seeing emulators like they are committing a horrible crime, talking about roms or god forbid talk about where to download them!

But it doesnt ends there, since the programmers of those circles (used to be) (not all the time) (on average) tend to be more grounded and dont give a shit about such actors, they begin to chase them, make them get cancelled everywhere and just force them to abandon their Emulation projects altogether only because they agree with ideas that are against the alphabet mafia.

And with that another escape for you, is gone ................ good luck playing shitty games again!!

And likewise with old game communities as I've spoken countless times in this blog, i'm tired of always hitting the same old horse....god dammit!!

.....but to be honest, every time I open Discord, and I see everyone still scared to talk, sleep as fuck, cucked as fuck, harassed as fuck, it just goes above me and pisses me off like no tomorrow.

Be Dumb
Be Asleep
Be Vaccinated
Be Ukraine
Be Trans
Be Pronouns
Be Drone
Be Agreeable
Be Accepting
Be Forgiving
Be Follow the Science
Be Mostly Peaceful
Be Muslim
Be get the point, fuck this people entirely!!

I really cant wait the day the pendulum goes the other way around, sure its gonna suck for everyone (myself included) we are going to go back in time a few years socially speaking, but its gonna be necessary to achieve a small reset, these people abused way too much and thats why I feel like we are slowly returning to old days mixed with the insane modernity TitkTok shit

I used to love technology so much! now I hate it so much! I'm tired of so many things seeing how everyone around me has gone insane and ballistic from friends to family is heartbreaking.

But we will see cat, we will keep witnessing what happen and while we are still alive, until things gets better eventually I guess?? better late than never

Rant Over, had to take it out of my head for a while....
2024.09.12 14:57 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
huh? what happened??
Nothing really cat just writing random stuff once again in the blog, I'm super sad because my Steam Deck decided to die yesterday out of the blue, the right trackpad decided to stop working so I had to contact Valve and RMA the thing.

The machine is less than 6 months old and it's already having issues either I push the thing too hard or I don't know? I'm just playing games dude!

So for now I have to use the big old desktop which I had put in the closet a while ago, the reason i'm uncomfortable doing this is because since I live in Europe energy costs here are stupid and abusive so I must keep track of how much energy the devices are spending specially stuff like the computer that are pretty much on 24/7.

because GOD FORBID theres also a drama for the Energy Bill at the end of the month!!

But anyways today I was also cleaning the desk a bit and found these guys I've had to clean too

Other than that the usual shenanigans and miserable people around, best course of action is as usual ignore everything and act like I'm just a witness....

Take care Cat
2024.09.10 17:09 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
The Storm is Coming??...
Other than fooling around in FF14 and doing the silly missions in Granblue lately I haven't been doing much but feeling to say.... detached from everything???

During the nights I'm having very vivid dreams lately and during the day I've been feeling since many weeks ago already like in a moment of Stasis....

I'm still keeping a routine tho, but I just feel very disconnected of everything for the first time I guess I needed to disconnect from so much insanity going on lately

But is not really being disconnected rather than feeling like subcounciously I'm getting ready for something really really hard and difficult approaching my life very soon, I'm not sure when or at which level is gonna happen or how is gonna happen but its gonna be a huge blow for sure.....

Thats why I think my mind and body are kinda deciding on their own to take it easy...more than usual, like when you are very drunk or something like that????

only time will tell on this one I guess?

The 2nd half of the year has just started and after the very intense 1st half I'm hoping that most of these feelings are wrong and it all becomes a nothing burger from this stupid menhera writing this blog

2024.09.03 07:19 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
Need to write a lot of stuff but let's wait a few days more okay???
2024.08.09 12:56 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
He's gonna kill her....
In the latest fiasco with the trannies now we have the disgrace the IOC accepted in the match during the olympics, Where the trannie Khelif which is clearly a guy destroyed the nose of his opponent Carini a real woman for free and her spirit shattered for fighting against this monster in the most prestigious (on paper (because is a fucking satanic circus now too)) sport event in the world

The same shot in slow motion

No wonder she decided to quit almost instantly a 2nd blow and he probably would've killed her on the spot via a head concussion or who knows a tragedy for sure

This is a fucking disgrace, these fucking troonards are destroying everything that goes against their delusional narrative of trying to be a woman.. a woman of in what imbecile?? monster, monster, monster is what you are.

You will be forever a monster
2024.08.01 13:04 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk

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