The Vultr Fiasco
Been reading a lot these past couple of days about an incident with Vultr mysteriously changing and forcing all of us (including this site) to accept some new terms in order to being able to continue using their services.

Well it looks like the cat is out of the bag and it all exploded on Reddit and Twitter and there was also a video of Louis Rossman talking about it!

Heres the original video:

I was surprised to see how cheap VPS services were becoming and I guess the reason of all this is because their plan all this time was to gather as many little websites like this one to scrap them to train their AI models.

However the whole AI fiasco is also happening across the old internet and even sites like are also suffering of bots reading all its contents to feed the AI models.

At this point I think its inevitable and is useless to fight against it, in fact, is not gonna be necessary to fight against it at all because it will self-destruct itself in a very miserable way.

The AI like a robot wants to be perfect this will be it's biggest downfall at it will try to overwrite everything the internet has until it will self feed itself with the stuff it has generated before, that means, a lot of perfectly written pieces of garbage text nobody cares or will write about.

We as humans seek perfection yet we are not (and never be) perfect beings, so the whole thing will always look unnatural to us, so for the time being let's take it easy and enjoy witnessing this shitshow fall under it's own weight.
2024.03.30 15:45 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
Long Month!!!
Haven't had the chance to actually type anything in the blog as being extremelly busy dealing with shit at work, btw I also learned people don't know the concept of REFRESHING a webpage anymore!!! But how have you been!?!?! Long time no see!!

But whatever, I'm glad I'm back to write stuff here and honestly I've been in automatic pilot dealing with migraines and headaches these days but also trying to play lots of Granblue VS after work (and other obscure fighting games, see below..) as it became my hideout these days, 


Although I need to admit I've been raging a lot there too because I keep getting my ass kicked every-single-time as I keep mashing buttons and cannot find the willpower to train and get better at using my stupid character .... someday someday.....

But salt aside it has been a fairly depleting but quiet month (even if sounds like an oxymoron) and I'm hoping things will become a little bit quieter and more relaxed from now on, now that is not necessary to work in the BB server as much anymore but to just keep it running 24/7 like I usually do, plus all the stuff I had to deal in the house I posted before like the Bathroom issue, and a few issues with the electricals at home i had to also fix, it has been quite a hectic beginning of 2024 so now I just wanna relax and..just do.....nothing.......
2024.03.23 12:47 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
Steam Deck is amazing
Earlier this year I adquired a Steam Deck OLED after taking my time of waiting almost a whole year since it was released to make sure it was a proper solid product that will continue to have backing by Valve and indeed it has been like that.

Suddenly, I've been playing more computer games in the device than in the computer itself, partly because I work at the desk the whole day and having a portable console really helps me to disconnect as I cna just go into the bed below blankets and play stuff like in the good old PSP days, I think it's a very nostalgic feeling as the PSP was my favorite console of all times, I awlays prefered portable setups and consoles than the big ones for your living room.

So I guess that bias got enabled once again with the deck, in fact during the emergency hotel stay due to the bathroom situation I brought the setup with me and was amazed how I could play the latest computer games on top of my old emulation games on top of my old windows games like PSO BB all in 1 device.


I honestly I'm very happy with it what I would change for an evolution would be to improve battery times and maybe shrink it a little bit.

But otherwise if you feel your game requirements doesn't include too many AAA games I highly recommend to get one too!
2024.03.08 08:48 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
Bathroom woes
Like I mentioned in the previous post on top of being busy at work I also had the bad luck the bathroom at home got broken, unable to use the toilet at all for a few days I had to rely in a stupid overpriced hotel but just to be able to use the toilet and take a shower!!

The most expensive bathroom I had to deal in my life, but I'm very relieved it's all finished now as the new toilet is set in the house. What surprises me the most is that nobody seems to care for bathrooms when they purchase a house, or when they decide to make a whole reform to the place. Instead they focus on the most banal stuff and don't notice that if something goes wrong with the bathroom, it doesn't matter if you live in a mansion or in a simple house or a loft YOU WILL BE KICKED OUT OF THE HOUSE DUE TO NO BATHROOM ACCESS!!

I cannot stress how important this is !!!! and if things woul've been different it could've saved me 300 euros which I cannot afford in extra annoying expenses of hotels and shit!.

Dear god please take care of your bathroom!!
2024.03.08 08:44 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
So Busy!!!
It's been a few days since the last entry in the blog but since then, I've been very busy with work mostly with work related stuff as I"m doing the career shift I mentioned in my previous entry.

I had to deal with an insane amount of bullshit to get the job done of setting up a proper CI/CD environment you cannot imagine, and also I've been horrorized by the sheer amount of incompetence that plagues the people that work in systems in the social security.

Is not like I'm an expert myself either but dear god some basic understanding of how to cd'd into a folder or ls'd directories as long as basic web server setting that I can understand!!

But I needed this to get through as it will allow me to finally make the career jump I want to system administration and be able to get away of sociopaths and insane competition in the development space.
2024.03.08 08:41 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk

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