Steam Deck is amazing
Earlier this year I adquired a Steam Deck OLED after taking my time of waiting almost a whole year since it was released to make sure it was a proper solid product that will continue to have backing by Valve and indeed it has been like that.

Suddenly, I've been playing more computer games in the device than in the computer itself, partly because I work at the desk the whole day and having a portable console really helps me to disconnect as I cna just go into the bed below blankets and play stuff like in the good old PSP days, I think it's a very nostalgic feeling as the PSP was my favorite console of all times, I awlays prefered portable setups and consoles than the big ones for your living room.

So I guess that bias got enabled once again with the deck, in fact during the emergency hotel stay due to the bathroom situation I brought the setup with me and was amazed how I could play the latest computer games on top of my old emulation games on top of my old windows games like PSO BB all in 1 device.


I honestly I'm very happy with it what I would change for an evolution would be to improve battery times and maybe shrink it a little bit.

But otherwise if you feel your game requirements doesn't include too many AAA games I highly recommend to get one too!
2024.03.08 08:48 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk

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