I love that bear!!!
Well not everything needs to be shitty lately, I've been also playing for the first time Danganronpa since like a month ago or so, never had the chance to play the games because never owned a PS Vita but I think the characters are lovely, cute and super insane!!!

It is a menhera paradise ~ and now I'm trying to find merchandise and stuff to get but I need to control myself because the insanity also follows in my daily life so I need to be careful and don't become more menhera than I am already!!

For the time being, I cleared Danganronpa 1 and 2 and Despair girls and I'm slowly reading and preparing to understand the events leading to the final game in the trilogy.

I think I never had so much fun with a graphic novel since I played Galaxy Fraulein Yuna in the PSP re-release of the PC Engine classic......

No wait... there's no comparison what I AM SAYING!?! This is ANOTHEr level !!!


2024.05.23 13:55 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Whatever
Brace for the crash
After letting everyone read my blog these last couple of days probably top to bottom and left to right at this point because I attempted naively to advertise the PSOBB server on reddit (what i was thinking about?!? are you stupid?? yes you are cat....and very!)

I also had to do some research in the background and the amount of disturbing information I learned about so many things happening in those PSO circles is incredible, but I guess it was a very visual situation where theres no room to ask questions as its very clear as water at this point but it connects to a bigger point.

The game industry as a whole is collapsing, this is something is no surprise to anyone that is not a mindless consumer/npc at this point, the games are becoming more and more trash and on top of the thousands of people that had been laid off already the situation doesn't look bright at all if anything looks darker and darker.

Because they know the new gaming space is shit (because they were the ones that destroyed it in the first place), now the focus is in destroying the old game space, and related to yet my previous blog post, my opinion continues exactly the same, the fact it became more mainstream gave the greenlight for DEI activists to invade all the little safe gaming spaces that remains as pockets here and there, corrupt them all, destroy them from inside, jump to the next target, rinse and repeat, communities like the PSO one, the old Nintendo games, the Emulation communities (oh I have so much to talk about that too in another post!) and probably countless others of small games I don't know about...

Because at the end of the day, their goal is that you have NO ESCAPE they want you to feel hopeless and be unable to disconnect in anything that used/can bring you joy. Because it's a sick innate need of destroy everything something I cannot understand very well still, but It goes among those lines its all about destroying, plain and simple.

The only thing I can recommend is to consider selfhosting and preparing your own platforms if you want to have the posibility to speak your mind freely kinda like these stupid rants I make in this blog, stupid or not, and If I cringe at them in the future well so be it it's my damn fault but, they are mine, and thats the difference!

A place for you to talk, to express yourself whatever it is, it might sounds like the panacea these days but its becoming rarer and rarer!!

2024.05.23 13:31 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
Private/Retail servers doesn't matter
On the topic of the old Internet stuff I've said before wanted to talk now about how it also affected and re-shaped the Online games specially the behavior of the people playing them.

The other day I witnessed a conversation of people complaining that projects aiming to create a private server for services being sunset by their original owners like the Xbox Insignia/Pretendo doesn't finish to launch properly, and the reason why huge projects that people get a shock theraphy that it doesn't feels the same is because not of technical issues, software support. But rather, the attitude of the owners handling these services sometimes are much more strict moderating stuff than the original company.

This of course goes into the topic of the "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion" thing that have been making the news lately and how every single project/movie/game that mentions something about these words or similar sinonyms goes to shit or already feels shittier or limiting to the point nobody can really interact and it feels like you either need to have very dry conversations about stupid topics without being able to go deep and forge proper online relationships anymore due of fear of cancelling, banning, deletion of user data.

I'm sorry to say and this is a lesson I had to learn the hard way, people dont want, aren't willing, not capable of growing a thick skin anymore to anything in the online setting so the best course of action is to just threaten the Admin/Devs with leaving or whatever until they cave, so they effectively become hostages of a bunch of activists/tourists. It's all about a power struggle "I am X player and I AM ENTITLED that YOU as Admin PAY ATTENTION TO MY DEMANDS and ban X people from X community OR ELSE!"

And I'm really tired of these people man because at the same time every single person and mostly zoomers decided to flock into Discord and that illusion of "liberty" of having their "own servers" (good joke) is instantly diminished due the fact everyone auto censors themselves and don't say their real thoughts about so many interesting topics that can be used to have conversation in this world anymore.


So the end result? no matter where you go, almost all the communities in the Internet feel very samey samey on the way they talk in their chats, It just feels like workplace talk most of the time and for that I already have enough with the insanity happening on LinkedIn.
2024.05.06 08:14 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
A revival of our old internet...
I wanted to write about this since a few days ago but a person asked me the other day why this website was so barebones and that if I was actually just working on a proper design.

And he was shocked when I told him that indeed the goal was to just make the whole site imperfect everywhere on purpose, with a barebones Web 1.0/2.0 design in mind with the sole exeption being the PSOBB server side because requires a little bit more of color.

To put you in context I've been working as a Web Developer even since I started to dabble with Frontpage during my early High School days back in 2000 and began to do more serious stuff starting 2001 and onwards.

During these almost 24 years on the field i've witnessed first-hand how the web evolved in front of me and the tools around and to be honest, I'm extremelly dissaopinted with the results, bloated, unesessary guidelines, useless frameworks, horrible design trends that are not even design anymore, every website that used to be ran by people (bots and AI clickbaity sites dont count) are dissapearing and relying only on major social networks for awareness, all the forums and BBS gone and replaced by Discord and on and on.....

Sure you might think its a huge waste of money to defy these odds and run a lone server in the middle of the net but haven't you noticed this either? You don't have to be a professional in the field to notice! the internet is actually dissapearing...... in fact! currently theres a struggle to keep feeding the AI models with new information beacuse they already scrapped most of the internet new/old webpages already! and now are planning to scrap data from Youtube videos what the hell!!!

In a not so distant future, imperfect websites like this will be the ones that will be your cue to know they are actually ran by a person behind the scenes and not a robot or a bot because right now most new websites are actually being created by AI/Bots to be consumed by other AI/Bots !!

2024.05.02 20:51 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk

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