I love that bear!!!
Well not everything needs to be shitty lately, I've been also playing for the first time Danganronpa since like a month ago or so, never had the chance to play the games because never owned a PS Vita but I think the characters are lovely, cute and super insane!!!

It is a menhera paradise ~ and now I'm trying to find merchandise and stuff to get but I need to control myself because the insanity also follows in my daily life so I need to be careful and don't become more menhera than I am already!!

For the time being, I cleared Danganronpa 1 and 2 and Despair girls and I'm slowly reading and preparing to understand the events leading to the final game in the trilogy.

I think I never had so much fun with a graphic novel since I played Galaxy Fraulein Yuna in the PSP re-release of the PC Engine classic......

No wait... there's no comparison what I AM SAYING!?! This is ANOTHEr level !!!


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