Private/Retail servers doesn't matter
On the topic of the old Internet stuff I've said before wanted to talk now about how it also affected and re-shaped the Online games specially the behavior of the people playing them.

The other day I witnessed a conversation of people complaining that projects aiming to create a private server for services being sunset by their original owners like the Xbox Insignia/Pretendo doesn't finish to launch properly, and the reason why huge projects that people get a shock theraphy that it doesn't feels the same is because not of technical issues, software support. But rather, the attitude of the owners handling these services sometimes are much more strict moderating stuff than the original company.

This of course goes into the topic of the "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion" thing that have been making the news lately and how every single project/movie/game that mentions something about these words or similar sinonyms goes to shit or already feels shittier or limiting to the point nobody can really interact and it feels like you either need to have very dry conversations about stupid topics without being able to go deep and forge proper online relationships anymore due of fear of cancelling, banning, deletion of user data.

I'm sorry to say and this is a lesson I had to learn the hard way, people dont want, aren't willing, not capable of growing a thick skin anymore to anything in the online setting so the best course of action is to just threaten the Admin/Devs with leaving or whatever until they cave, so they effectively become hostages of a bunch of activists/tourists. It's all about a power struggle "I am X player and I AM ENTITLED that YOU as Admin PAY ATTENTION TO MY DEMANDS and ban X people from X community OR ELSE!"

And I'm really tired of these people man because at the same time every single person and mostly zoomers decided to flock into Discord and that illusion of "liberty" of having their "own servers" (good joke) is instantly diminished due the fact everyone auto censors themselves and don't say their real thoughts about so many interesting topics that can be used to have conversation in this world anymore.


So the end result? no matter where you go, almost all the communities in the Internet feel very samey samey on the way they talk in their chats, It just feels like workplace talk most of the time and for that I already have enough with the insanity happening on LinkedIn.
2024.05.06 08:14 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk

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