Bathroom woes
Like I mentioned in the previous post on top of being busy at work I also had the bad luck the bathroom at home got broken, unable to use the toilet at all for a few days I had to rely in a stupid overpriced hotel but just to be able to use the toilet and take a shower!!

The most expensive bathroom I had to deal in my life, but I'm very relieved it's all finished now as the new toilet is set in the house. What surprises me the most is that nobody seems to care for bathrooms when they purchase a house, or when they decide to make a whole reform to the place. Instead they focus on the most banal stuff and don't notice that if something goes wrong with the bathroom, it doesn't matter if you live in a mansion or in a simple house or a loft YOU WILL BE KICKED OUT OF THE HOUSE DUE TO NO BATHROOM ACCESS!!

I cannot stress how important this is !!!! and if things woul've been different it could've saved me 300 euros which I cannot afford in extra annoying expenses of hotels and shit!.

Dear god please take care of your bathroom!!
2024.03.08 08:44 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk

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