The Vultr Fiasco
Been reading a lot these past couple of days about an incident with Vultr mysteriously changing and forcing all of us (including this site) to accept some new terms in order to being able to continue using their services.

Well it looks like the cat is out of the bag and it all exploded on Reddit and Twitter and there was also a video of Louis Rossman talking about it!

Heres the original video:

I was surprised to see how cheap VPS services were becoming and I guess the reason of all this is because their plan all this time was to gather as many little websites like this one to scrap them to train their AI models.

However the whole AI fiasco is also happening across the old internet and even sites like are also suffering of bots reading all its contents to feed the AI models.

At this point I think its inevitable and is useless to fight against it, in fact, is not gonna be necessary to fight against it at all because it will self-destruct itself in a very miserable way.

The AI like a robot wants to be perfect this will be it's biggest downfall at it will try to overwrite everything the internet has until it will self feed itself with the stuff it has generated before, that means, a lot of perfectly written pieces of garbage text nobody cares or will write about.

We as humans seek perfection yet we are not (and never be) perfect beings, so the whole thing will always look unnatural to us, so for the time being let's take it easy and enjoy witnessing this shitshow fall under it's own weight.
2024.03.30 15:45 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk

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