Discord Discordia
I was gonna write a more elaborated piece regarding Discord but I'm feeling so depleted lately because of huge changes that are approaching to my life that we will discuss about in the coming months, Discord as usual haven't really cooperated with my sanity and I just want to dissapear entirely from that stupid application once and for all.

Then right when i'm about to do it suddenly a person approached me telling me that he was looking for me since 2 years ago, and I was totally baffled... so I guess I will stay for a little bit longer, but I will be leaving more and more servers and disconnecting from all the gaming communities i'm currently enrolled on, I'm just very tired...
2024.06.24 07:44 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
Season Recap #1
Every friday I watch the latest episodes of the seasonal anime and I've been just messing around with a friend about how ridiculous the latest season of Konosuba 3 has been! But for sure had been a very welcomed moment to laugh a lot and disconnect, specially due how busy these last 4 or so months have been for me in pretty much all aspects..

Either way heres the best part of the new season which is the ending as I think its brilliant!!

The 2nd series I've been watching is the remake of Spice and Wolf this one being a little more serious and grounded than konosuba, talks the stories of Lawrence and Holo and their journey to the endless north.

What surprised me of this one so much is how accurate their depiction of medieval Eastern Europe has been it kinda remind me a lot to Kingdom Come Deliverance with anime stuff!! and because I have a soft spot now for Eastern Europe overall since my last travel to Slovenia...

I've been toying with the idea of running away to the East of Europe and Spice and Wolf for sure always reminds me of this feeling, I wonder if i'm gonna be able to run away at all? we will see...

In the meantime I need to find a way to collect more clearfiles tho!!

2024.06.24 07:23 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Anime
More Granbluing~~
HELLO! How do you do!?!

It's been a while since the last time I was writting stuff but I've been busy with work and with my insanity in these last couple of weeks! nothing new in the menhera world. (well, maybe a couple of things but will leave those for another post...)

As for now I wanted to give a small update on what had happened in the Granblue World, as you might know the game kinda became my new favorite RPG series, and I've been playing quite a lot of Granblue VS Rising, the fighting game I've racked about 3800 battles already and I'm still sucking a lot in this game !!!


However not all is lost as i've been slowly, but surely (i think?) learning the fundamentals of a fight aka footsies and wiff punish and baiting the opponent but I'm still miles behind most players in this game, still it wasn't all so bad the game is lovely as usual and the new characters they are adding they are improving in the animation department a lot !!! and with that that's enough to continue selling me the game no problem!!

As for Granblue Relink (the other game) which is an adventure kinda like Monster Hunter while its incredibly detailed and gorgeous with the graphics I kinda got bored of it very quickly, yet they seem to keep updating this game with new things such as this lovely Photo mode managed to take a pic or two to try it out like this:


But to be honest theres no erally much else to do here after clearing the main scenario, i was really hoping for a PSO replacement kind of game but it's incredible to this date no other game have managed to properly execute a nice copy over the PSO formula and improve it into something new (well are you surprised cat? no not really!!....)

Other than that the grind in VS continues and it's still the number one game I'm playing right now when I'm not busy debugging stuff in PSOBB

Will we ever be finished with this game?? maybe??/

I dont know...

Well catch ya next time!
2024.06.08 20:45 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Granblue Fantasy

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