sailing the skies~~
Since the PSO days I haven't felt as much fun as I'm having playing the new Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising, it is a fighting game based on the characters and universe of Granblue Fantasy the No1 mobile game in Japan.


The character are super lovely but what impressed me the most is how they decided to implement a whole lobby to meet and greet everyone and play matches but at the same time theres a space for Soccer, for the Minigames, Claw Machines in a little arcade area and I think they will soon add a Fishing Area too.

I'm very glad to feel once again a lively lobby system since the PSO/PSU days haven't felt that way, specially as most MMORPG games nowadays are very single player like or, barely anyone talks in them so it feels you are always playing with bots and NPCs.

I've been playing it religiously since it came out in december and I just keep getting destroyed but just for the lobby aspect of it encourages me a lot to keep trying. Plus I needed a new fighting game urgently... 

It's been such a pleasant surprise, so now I need to decide how to tackle both games at once...

2024.02.27 18:52 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Granblue Fantasy

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