For the History Books

Incredible and I'm out of words a day like this, despite the huge post I had to write earlier, I went out to the Madrid center to have a long walk and then I come back and I find myself with this incredible picture, and how they attempted to assasinate him in his campaign.

I'm freaking out how everyone on twitter are connected I see in all languages, everyone connected seeing this LIVE, witnessing this event in front of us, we are truly connected in this world and we are all connected seeing the lies, and the manipulation and how horrible how HORRIBLE these people are and what they are capable of...

He just won the election of the world!,
the world from now on will be very different.....

It is a picture for the history books that the children will read in a near future in their schools just like 9/11

PD: Don't you dare reddit leftoid, don't you dare to say a word, for your own good, respect the situation.
2024.07.14 00:39 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Whatever

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