Could it be?...
DEAR GOD WITH THIS HEAT!!!.... been a week already dealing with no AC and 36C degree in average during the nights...

But anyways...onto the main topic...

It looks like there's no really rest for me these days as despite all the insane situation looming in our horizons at home, I'm also witnessing history everyday with the protests happening in my home country Venezuela. What could be finally getting rid of dictatorship forever after 25 years!!!

I had to flee the country almost 16 years ago already and never returned, and since then, I've witnessed it to go into decay more and more, but still its situation affected a lot my daily life in a way or another here in Spain where I currently live, and it seems to be that after 25 years of dictatorship we might be finally seeing the end of the tunnel.

Socialism is no joke as it destroyed my country, my life and my family life this is the reason why I make fun of the leftoids and trannies in the usual circles, but what these people don't know in their delusion is that they all live in 1st world countries where they can preach these insane ideas with no consequences.

The funny(tragic) part is they are achieving their dream and now most 1st world countries are embracing socialism!! and even better invaded by muslims(savages/monkeys)!! at least in the case of Europe (just take a look at the fiasco in the Paris Olympics Ceremony), effectively turning those leftards into delicious walking chunks of meat ready to be served in BBQ or stoned to death if they belong to the LGBTQ+(P) groups and end up eaten by hordes of raging savages from far away lands that nobody cares about.

And yet they still defend those ideals, so from here on let's just wait for Natural Selection to do it's part because at this point these people are completely hopeless!!

See you later alligator
2024.07.30 01:21 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk

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