The Storm is Coming??...
Other than fooling around in FF14 and doing the silly missions in Granblue lately I haven't been doing much but feeling to say.... detached from everything???

During the nights I'm having very vivid dreams lately and during the day I've been feeling since many weeks ago already like in a moment of Stasis....

I'm still keeping a routine tho, but I just feel very disconnected of everything for the first time I guess I needed to disconnect from so much insanity going on lately

But is not really being disconnected rather than feeling like subcounciously I'm getting ready for something really really hard and difficult approaching my life very soon, I'm not sure when or at which level is gonna happen or how is gonna happen but its gonna be a huge blow for sure.....

Thats why I think my mind and body are kinda deciding on their own to take it easy...more than usual, like when you are very drunk or something like that????

only time will tell on this one I guess?

The 2nd half of the year has just started and after the very intense 1st half I'm hoping that most of these feelings are wrong and it all becomes a nothing burger from this stupid menhera writing this blog

2024.09.03 07:19 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
11 years in Eorzea
It is pretty much the very last standing MMORPG (as PSO2 pretty much died for me many years ago) that I'm playing officially like actually paying for it and despite that horrible new expansion called Dawntrail that was released during this summer I'm still hopeful the game will catch up again with its usual quality.

It's been 11 years of FF14 for me but I've managed to somehow survive that long and see the game evolve with my own eyes, I think one of the key areas that made me still commit to this game is not to deal with too many players as the community over there is as deviant/leftoid as any other gaming circle out there

That's why I've focused on becoming some sort of a 1 woman army by focusing mostly on 3 classes so I can tackle any content and dungeon at any time, Palading (PLD), Monk (MNK) and White Mage (WHM) on top of also being a Fisher and a Gatherer when I feel like shutting down my brain in-game and just enjoy the scenery and dwell around the maps and whatnot.

So this is the introduction to the new FF14 category, nice to meet you cat~

2024.09.03 07:07 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Final Fantasy XIV
Some recommendations
I wanted to recommend 2 little treasures here the first one is the one I'm currently watching which is Vatican Miracle Examiner follows the story of 2 young priests from the Vatican experts in uncovering fake miracles across the globe It's a fairly old anime from 2017 but so far I'm liking it a lot plus the music is great and honeslty its a topic that is very very rare to see touched in an anime!

Then we also have Witch and the Beast which follows the story of two friends which are actually enemies one of them carrying his friend monster corpse while his friend soul resides in the body of a girl due to a curse bestowed by a witch in the past as they begin to look for witches in some sort of imaginary Europe to undo this curse but begin to just find extremelly crazy foes.

The two series are very relaxed and can totally recommend if you are up for suspense with action with a little bit of crazyness in between and fan service of cute guys and girls of course.

See you later cat
2024.08.24 00:18 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Anime

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