No longer Business Critical
LOL! And I was just talking about this, suddenly got updates and from Microsoft (of all places...) effective now the DEI division in Microsoft is long gone, are you happy for that reddit bot? I bet you are super happy for it !!

It seems to be your commie agenda to eventually eat children and be as ugly as you is not "business critical' anymore, what a shame!!

It's time to recover and heal all our games and media with proper stories, good looking characters and great gameplay!
2024.07.16 22:22 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
I cannot see them anymore....
I've been thinking over the past few days and noticing how everything in my close environment and in the wider environment that is my country how everything has deranged in leftism, deviancy, self destructive behavior, stress and anxiety.

What all this had generated is that now more than ever I feel the need to step back from everything and everyone as right now, and after witnessing it over and over across all kinds of game communities with the latest one being the PSO community, no space is safe from leftism.

But is not a matter of looking for a safe space anymore, is that directly I will just scream and curse to death to anyone daring to just defend something that cannot be defended anymore, at this point theres no logic or consensus anymore.

I'm not gonna wish the leftoids to just die because they will all kill themselves anyways in their ultra toxic groups on reddit, discord, you take it. But I just want to see them dissapear from my sight, I don't want to talk with them anymore, I'm tired of them.

Likewise I'm also tired from people on the 'right' side that believes they suddenly have the high moral ground because of religion/family/etc, they are as selfish and arrogants at the worst leftoids out there and in fact, they just went full circle and began to act like the persons they despised the most. If not worse!


Right now I want to live in peace I've been dealing with insanity for almost 25 years straight with no rest, and had created a huge toll on me.

You have no idea how much I want to take a plane and fly somewhere far away and in fact is that i've been researching these last couple of months, is just that suddenly, the plan had began to move at a much more faster pace.

But then you might ask "but cat, if you disconnect like that you will be totally alone are you sure about it??? is not healthy..." and I totally agree, and to be honest I don't know how to answer this question either... all I can tell you is that this compound of situations had generated on me this feeling to just stay away from everyone.

But hey maybe is not the peoples fault, is the fault of all the current people in my current environment! (this is my highest hope) as I expect and dont lose faith to find more like minded people in the future...

Or maybe its all my fault too and I haven't discovered the reason of it anymore, I always had issues with relationships of all kinds be lovers,frieds, family, etc. It's very likely that also something is very wrong on me but my knowledge is very limited I always continue to research possible causes that might be affecting me and how I see the world as well, but I haven't found anything convincing yet...

One thing that every psychologist I've visited had told me is to just make an effort to change my environment that maybe is the environment? but they havent elaborated much on specifics regarding that..

So overall i'm pretty alone with this I will continue doing my best to continue understanding this crazy world and understanding my poor head too....

Take care cat
2024.07.16 16:20 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
For the History Books

Incredible and I'm out of words a day like this, despite the huge post I had to write earlier, I went out to the Madrid center to have a long walk and then I come back and I find myself with this incredible picture, and how they attempted to assasinate him in his campaign.

I'm freaking out how everyone on twitter are connected I see in all languages, everyone connected seeing this LIVE, witnessing this event in front of us, we are truly connected in this world and we are all connected seeing the lies, and the manipulation and how horrible how HORRIBLE these people are and what they are capable of...

He just won the election of the world!,
the world from now on will be very different.....

It is a picture for the history books that the children will read in a near future in their schools just like 9/11

PD: Don't you dare reddit leftoid, don't you dare to say a word, for your own good, respect the situation.
2024.07.14 00:39 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Whatever
A wonderful video!!
Well is no surprise you guys already know how annoyed I am with discord and shitty internet communities controlled by a company that can easily censor everyone by following a specific agenda..

So I was checking youtube after talking lenghtly to a PSO friend about the current state of the internet and the infamous "Dead Internet Theory" which I believe is gaining a lot of traction lately, the web is becoming more automated, full of bots and AI generated

The problem with this as we've discussed before is that eventually the websites will be made by bots to be consumed by other bots so all the websites if you notice now they all look the same, look at this lovely site instead! with a mess in design trends and directly no styles applied to the home...(yeah,,, i know I need to work on this but bear with me I need the inspiration first!)

But it's mine, and I can write here whatever I want for the people and haters I want and nobody can really censor me here.

Thi is something I want for you too so take a look at this little gem in youtube, and I hope it encourages you to make your own website like this one, I will be preparing a Webring project soon most likely too we will see...

2024.07.12 14:16 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk
For those dead moments......
At the end I went to the Fighting Game venue we have over here in my hometown and we had a very much needed afternoon to disconnect from everything!!.

So it was a pleasant weekend after all!!

The week has been such a slog tho, it's already friday (well technically thursday late night but WHATEVER you get the point....) I cant sleep!!

But I wanted to update the blog mentioning a little game that has kinda become a little bit of a guilty pleasure and also voluntary harakiri for myself which is called Shiren the Wanderer



It is a series of roguelike games made by Chunsoft since the SFC era, I'm playing the latest installment which was released on both Switch and Steam the correct name is "Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate" which this absurdly long name it means one word.


But of the good kind!! if you wanted to ever play something much more hardcore than PSO for sure this game checks all those marks.

I have to thank Dangaronpa for introducing me to the world of insane games made by Spike Chunsoft including this one, I love that bear so much, btw on that topic I'm still playing V3 but I've been very slow with that one in particular but as usual is quite a menhera trip!!
2024.07.04 23:45 | pmlink.png 固定リンク | folder.png Menhera Talk

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